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Kembery Antique Clocks

The established specialists

Stick Barometers

J Amadio, London Stick Barometer
£ 865 $ 1078 | € 1032   A quality, early Victorian stick barometer by Amadio of London. A mahogany case of rich colour and good proportions with a carved Turret pediment. The original cistern cover to the base. An ivorine scale with weather remarks and signed 'J Amadio 6, Shorter Court, City (London). A fine quality mercury...
A Marine Stick Barometer Bate of London.
£ 975 $ 1228 | € 1131  A quality Victorian marine stick barometer by Bate of London. A slim mahogany case with a brass cistern cover to the base.  A well engraved dial with scale from 27 to 31 inches with a slide adjuster and a mercury bulb thermometer. An arched brass surround to the dial. A brass and m...
A Farmers Stick Barometer, Negretti & Zambra, London
£ 625 $ 774 | € 716   A good quality Victorian cistern mercury Farmers stick barometer. Signed Negretti & Zambra of London to the dial and 'To Her Majesty'. A golden oak case with a stepped pediment with shaped mouldings. An original vernier sliding  scale adjuster. The original cistern cover. T...
Aiano of London Angle 'Sign post' Barometer
£ 4850 $ 5796 | € 5671   A rare angle or 'sign post' double stick barometer. A mahogany case with chequered banded inlays and parquetry. Twin vernier scale adjusters to the end of the scale and shown by small brass loops on the dial. Twin mercury tubes to the very finely engraved silvered scales. Circa 1810.Charles Aiano of London and Can...