0117 956 5281 or 07850 623237

Kembery Antique Clocks

The established specialists

A Farmers Stick Barometer, Negretti & Zambra, London

£ 625

$ 774 | € 716 

 A good quality Victorian cistern mercury Farmers stick barometer. Signed Negretti & Zambra of London to the dial and 'To Her Majesty'. A golden oak case with a stepped pediment with shaped mouldings. An original vernier sliding  scale adjuster. The original cistern cover. Twin mercury thermometers. Twin dials with weather predictions and 27 to 31" and a large bore mercury tube. Circa 1880.

Negretti & Zambra of London are noted makers.

Height 39 " / 98 cms Width 5 " / 15 cms Depth 2 1/2 " / 8 cms.

From Kembery Antique Clocks Ltd you can expect a genuine antique barometer that is serviced and in full working order. U.K. personal delivery only - please contact us for a quote. We are members of The British Watchmakers and Clockmakers Guild.
A Swiss Musical Box
John Jackson of London Longcase Grandfather Clock