£ 3450 $ 4216 | € 3888 A fine quality London Georgian longcase clock by Thomas Pace. A mahogany case with choice flame mahogany veneers of slim, elegant proportions. Brass fluted hood columns with brass stopped fluting and to the trunk sides. Circular side glass hood apertures. A double raised plinth and base panel with re-entrant corner...
£ 3750 $ 4688 | € 4354 A very impressive and elegant Georgian mahogany longcase clock. A fine quality case with an arched pediment surmounted by 3 brass finials. Choice flame mahogany case veneers. A carved fretwork arched panel to the hood. Hood and trunk brass stopped fluted columns and side glass hood panels. Brass capped trunk ...
£ 2950 $ 3687 | € 3392 An impressive and elegant London Georgian mahogany longcase clock. A fine quality case with an arched pediment surmounted by 3 original brass finials. Front and rear brass quarter Corinthian hood columns and side sound fretwork panels. Brass stopped fluted hood, and trunk si...
£ 3650 $ 4552 | € 4212 A fine quality domestic regulator longcase clock. A very impressive case of small proportions with choice flame mahogany veneers. The original carved cresting and reeded detailing beneath, Brass inset side hood sound fretted panels. Fluted side hood columns. Trunk side columns with carved tops. A raised plinth pane...
£ 2350 $ 2842 | € 32717 A Georgian period Gloucestershire longcase clock. A slim oak case with a swan neck hood pediment and brass patterae.. An original brass finial and Corinthian capped brass hood column capitals. A well proportioned slim case standing on the original feet with a raised plinth panel. A ...
£ 4700 $ 5784 | € 5359 A fine quality and impressive London Georgian longcase clock. A burr walnut case with crossbanding to the arched trunk door and base panel. A double plinth distinctive to London area clocks. Glass side hood apertures and brass capped hood columns. Fretwork arched panels to the hood pediment. An arched brass and silvered ...
£ 6750 $ 8315 | € 7631 An English Georgian period Tavern wall clock. A 22" wooden dial with brass counterbalanced hands. A well proportioned mahogany case with the original side carvings. An opening trunk door and base with twin side doors behind the dial. An 8-day duration mechanism, single weight driven. The original pendulum and lovel...
£ 3900 $ 4736| € 4346 A fine quality Bristol Georgian lunar moon phase longcase clock by John Hunter. A red walnut case with the original blind 'Bristol' fretwork to the hood. An impressive double pediment with swan neck and central brass finial. Brass capped fluted hood columns. Side glass ...
£ 1450 $ 1783 | € 1644 A Victorian Northumberland longcase/Grandfather clock. A well proportioned mahogany case with an arched hood pediment with the original fretwork surmounted by 3 brass finials. Turned hood side columns. Acanthus leaves to the top of the trunk columns. Choice flame mahogany case veneers with...
£ 1250 $ 1724 | € 1451 A Somerset late Georgian period longcase clock. A swan neck hood pediment with central brass finial. Brass capped hood side columns. An oak and mahogany crossbanded case. An attractive painted dial with corner floral gilt, blue and pink geometric decorations with a date and seconds. An 8-day duration mechanism stri...