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Kembery Antique Clocks

The established specialists

Muirhead, Glasgow Domestic Regulator Longcase Clock

£ 3650

$ 4552 | € 4212

 A fine quality domestic regulator longcase clock. A very impressive case of small proportions with choice flame mahogany veneers. The original carved cresting and reeded detailing beneath, Brass inset side hood sound fretted panels. Fluted side hood columns. Trunk side columns with carved tops. A raised plinth panel edging and standing on small bun feet. A silvered engraved dial with date and seconds dials and strike/silent lever above the XII position. A high quality, precision 8-day duration mechanism with dead-beat escapement and maintaining power. Brass cased weights and a wooden rod pendulum.

James Muirhead of Glasgow is recorded in Loomes' 'Watchmakers and Clockmakers of The World' book as working from 1817. His son worked with him by 1860. He was watchmaker to the Queen in 1848 and also made for the Admiralty and Scottish railways.

Height 6ft 6 " / 198 cms Width (of hood)18 1/2 " / 48 cms Depth 10 " / 25 cms

Hancock, Chard Georgian Longcase Clock
Victorian Mahogany Barometer